Handheld devices to detect allergens

Many people have life-threatening allergies that can prove to be detrimental to their health and can even be fatal sometimes. They always worry about the food that they’re going to eat. Also, they have to keep a check on the ingredients of the food to make sure that they are out of danger. Tough life!

However, a team of scientist have made note of their problem and also found an effective solution. They have developed a handheld device called Allerguard, which can detect traces amounts of allergens in a meal by simply analyzing the food vapours. All this in just 30 seconds.

How does Allerguard work?

According to the website, you have to just hold the Allerguard device over your plate of your food. The device has nanotechnology that can absorb vapour molecules and detect them. Once absorbed, these electrochemical sensors detect any potential allergen in the molecules.

Then, the artificial intelligence in the device analyses the chemical structure of these vapour molecules. The allergens are then identified at this point and the intensity of their presence is detected.

There are other methods of the detection of allergens. These methods usually require a physical sample of the food to carry out analysis. However, this method is believed to be a little flawed as the allergens can positively be present anywhere in the meal.

The scientists at Allerguard are pretty confident about their device bridging this gap. They are vouching for a food safety guarantee on a molecular level.

Launch of Allerguard

The gadget has been through several laboratory tests and has proved its worth in the tests. However, the developers have confirmed that they would need 10 more months of advanced research and development before releasing it to the masses. The company has currently raised more than $2.2 million funds and is expected to do well in the market.

After launch, Allerguard is expected to sell at a price of roughly $150. Sounds like a good price for peace of mind, right?

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